Philip Webster

Philip Webster is a Lawyer and Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England & Wales with over 30 years' legal experience. Websters' Legal currently collaborates with the reputed blue-chip USA and international law firm GT-GreenbergTraurig on certain matters.

Philip Webster, an English qualified lawyer (who is bi-lingual English/French and has a working knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese), possesses over thirty years international corporate legal experience, gained in Europe and Africa, having worked with top blue -chip, English, American, French and Canadian legal firms and banking institutions.

Membership in Professional Societies:

The Law Society
City of London, Law Society
Member of the Institute of Directors, London, England.
Member of the Commercial Panel of the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa.

My Experience

I am a specialist corporate finance, privatisation (including Public, Private Partnerships - “PPP’s”) and project finance lawyer. I have been retained by leading ‘blue chip’ legal firms, LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae (USA) (later called Dewey & Leboeuf,* but now the firm no longer operates),  White & Case (London/USA), Fasken Martineau DuMoulin (Canada) and Norton Rose Fulbright (England).  In January 2006, Philip Webster established Websters’ Legal, in South Africa as an International law consulting practice. In depth experience of projects/project finance, mining transactions and general commercial transactions across Europe and Africa. Prior to setting up a practice  in Africa (South Africa), Philip Webster was retained as in-house Legal Counsel to the Equities Division of Natwest Securities Limited in London and In-house Legal Counsel to Société Générale S.A., as well as in-house General Counsel to  Société Générale Energie S.A. in Paris, (France) where he specialised in the area of oil and gas sales and energy linked derivative sales contracts. Between 1987 and 1993, in London, Philip Webster acted as a Senior Solicitor in the Commercial Property, Banking and Capital Markets Group of Norton Rose Fulbright, a leading City of London firm, specialising in the area of international infrastructure transactions as well as in project finance, property finance, fiscal advice and capital markets related transactions.

 Advice provided over the years to the African Development Bank, the Development Bank of Southern Africa Limited, BNP, Barclays, ABSA Bank Limited, Investec, Nova Capital Partners, Deutsche Bank, HSBC Investment Services (Africa) (Proprietary) Limited, HSBC Equator Bank Privatization, JP Morgan, Morgan Grenfell, the Standard Bank of South Africa Limited and Standard Chartered Bank Zambia PLC, as well as the IFC and the World Bank, notably the privatisation unit responsible for Africa and the Indian Ocean.


"A good lawyer is able to use the law proactively to get the good deal done within the law."